I am a student of memory. As a multi-disciplinary expressionist, my work delves into the art of remembering and the human experience. In the process of a body of work, I follow Marcel Proust’s lead and stimulate my memory through senses and the necessity of reflection using personal journals, poetry, and literature.

 By exploring memory through different mediums like canvas and sculpture, my artwork transcends boundaries, capturing the complexity of memory through a fusion of mediums. These mediums include ash, cement, sawdust, canvas, paint, plaster, and found objects, constructing and deconstructing the very essence of memory’s texture. Every creation resulting from these processes tells a story, in abstract form, reminiscent of a poem or book chapters, exploring themes such as healing, trauma recovery, faith, and self-discovery.

 My artistic vision reflects memory’s intricacies, inviting reflection on personal narratives and universal themes in scales that range up to 20 feet in size. Each work involves constant physicality, using a range of motion from the floor to the wall, incorporating dancing, jumping, sliding, and pressing with body weight, often using cardboard as a transfer mechanism. As a full-time studio artist, my focus is on creating a body of work that continually develops and matures over the course of a lifetime, evoking emotions by accessing both remembered and forgotten memories.